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What We Do

What We Do

Agricultural Training and Support:
– Conducts hands-on training workshops on sustainable farming techniques, such as agroecological practices, water harvesting, and integrated pest management.
– Provides training on smart food production methods, including effective use of organic inputs, intercropping, and crop rotation to improve soil health and productivity.
– Offers training on post-harvest handling and storage techniques to minimize food waste and preserve the quality of harvests.

Resource Provision:
– Distributes high-quality seeds and seedlings, organic compost and fertilizers, and small grants to support the establishment and rebuilding of farming operations.
– Facilitates access to affordable, appropriate farming tools and technologies, such as solar-powered irrigation systems, small-scale processing equipment, and digital farming apps.
– Connects farmers to established market channels and helps them develop entrepreneurial skills to improve their market access and income.

Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing:
– Trains a network of community-based extension workers to provide ongoing support and mentorship to farmers on sustainable agricultural practices.
– Develops tailored training materials and multimedia resources, including practical demonstrations and peer-to-peer learning exchanges, to enhance the accessibility and adoption of new farming techniques.
– Supports the establishment of farmer cooperatives and community-based savings and credit schemes to strengthen collective action, knowledge sharing, and financial resilience.

By integrating these comprehensive agricultural support interventions, the Dulcet Association aims to empower smallholder farmers to build sustainable, climate-resilient livelihoods and enhance food security within their communities. The association’s holistic approach addresses the entire agricultural value chain, from input provision and production to post-harvest management and market access, to ensure long-term, transformative impact.

Advocacy and Stakeholder Engagement:
– Fosters strategic partnerships with local civil society organizations, human rights groups, and community-based organizations to collectively raise awareness and influence policy decisions that impact smallholder farmers.
– Works closely with local and regional government authorities to ensure that the needs and perspectives of these communities are incorporated into agricultural development plans and climate adaptation strategies.

Inclusive Dialogue and Knowledge Sharing:

– Creates platforms and opportunities for the voices of marginalized farmers, especially women and youth, to be heard and their experiences to be documented.

– Organizes community dialogues, participatory planning workshops, and knowledge-sharing events where these communities can directly engage with policymakers, researchers, and development practitioners.

– Supports the production and dissemination of multimedia content, such as community-led video documentaries and radio programs, to amplify the stories and perspectives of the farmers.

Capacity Building for Advocacy:

– Provides training and mentorship to local leaders and community-based organizations to equip them with skills in policy analysis, effective communication, coalition-building, and negotiation.

– Facilitates exchange visits and cross-learning opportunities, allowing these community advocates to learn from the experiences of their peers in other regions.

Influencing Policy and Investment Decisions:

– Engages with policymakers and development partners to influence the design and implementation of agricultural and climate policies.

– Advocates for the integration of gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches into government and donor-funded initiatives.

– Leverages its partnerships to facilitate increased investment and resource allocation towards community-driven, sustainable agricultural development initiatives.

Reforestation and Agroforestry:

– Leads large-scale tree-planting campaigns to restore degraded forests and expand tree cover

– Encourages the integration of trees and shrubs into agricultural landscapes through agroforestry practices

– Helps establish community-managed woodlots and nurseries to ensure a sustainable supply of tree seedlings

– Monitors forest regrowth and carbon sequestration to quantify the climate change mitigation impact

Climate-Smart Agriculture:

– Promotes the adoption of regenerative farming techniques, such as no-till agriculture and cover cropping, to enhance soil health and carbon storage

– Introduces drought-resistant and heat-tolerant crop varieties to help farmers adapt to changing climatic conditions

– Trains farmers on water-efficient irrigation methods and strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture

– Supports the transition to organic farming and the reduction of synthetic fertilizer and pesticide use

Climate Change Awareness and Education:

– Organizes community-based workshops and campaigns to educate people on the causes, impacts, and solutions to climate change

– Develops and disseminates educational materials, including videos, infographics, and interactive tools, to increase climate literacy

– Engages with local schools and youth groups to foster a new generation of climate-conscious leaders and advocates

– Amplifies the voices and stories of affected communities to highlight the real-world impacts of climate change

Policy Advocacy and Stakeholder Engagement:
– Collaborates with policymakers to advocate for comprehensive climate action plans and the integration of climate change considerations into development policies
– Partners with private sector actors, such as businesses and financial institutions, to unlock climate finance and support sustainable investments
– Fosters multi-stakeholder dialogues to align efforts and coordinate a holistic response to the climate crisis

By leveraging its diverse expertise and strong community connections, the Dulcet Association is committed to driving meaningful climate action and building resilient, low-carbon communities in the face of the growing threat of climate change-and by amplifying the voices of marginalized farmers and ensuring their meaningful participation in decision-making processes, the Dulcet Association’s advocacy efforts aim to foster more equitable and inclusive agricultural transformation within the region. This multi-pronged approach strengthens the agency and resilience of these communities, empowering them to become active participants in shaping their own sustainable futures.

Dulcet Association


Great Soppo, Buea, South West Region, Cameroon.

Tel: (237) 673205275



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